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Hello everyone! What a difference it makes having the lighter evenings and signs of spring all around us, it just calls me outside to explore and take in the beauty, especially after a winter spending too many hours working on the computer!

The blackthorn blossom has been amazing this year The hedgerows alongside the fields and lanes have been covered in an abundance of white blooms, looking like heaps of snow from a distance!

It's hard to believe it was so blue and warm two weeks ago, there has been a bitter cold wind here the last few days,we are promised a warm Easter weekend, here's hoping that the forecast will be accurate!  

The flowers of the wild cherry so beautiful and delicate.

The first leaves appearing on the trees remind us how barren and bare they have been over the winter!

 We saw our first swallows flying around the cliffs on our walk yesterday morning

As the sun goes down, the land and sea are smothered in a pink glow as the sun sets, each time producing a different picture.

Have you any plans for Easter? Our son and his girlfriend will be down for a few days, time will be precious as we try to balance the demands of the visitor centre with some family time! Visitor numbers have well exceeded expectations, now over 13,000 since August! I have found my experience gained in blogging over so many years so useful in all the volunteer work we have done there.

Wishing you a Happy Easter!
Sarah x

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