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 I looked through my pictures to let them talk for me.

One of my favorite Christmas memories is a simple one, but it was watching Tucker look closely at all the ornaments on a tree. He will go and stand and just look at all the different ones.

I feel I should explain that clump of lights in the back on the floor. They would later go in the reindeer crate that always stands near the tree. I hadn't finished decorating at this point.

Lindsay took him by Mother's one day before Christmas and I know Mother thought he would notice her Santa collection, but he cared not a bit for it, but again stood looking at all the ornaments. She did have an old fashioned alarm clock (not old though...LLBean version of an old one) that he was crazy about. 

He found a fishing Santa on her tree that intrigued him.

He has become interested in clocks. I have grandfather clock and he just stands in front of it rocking back and forth with the pendulum saying tick tock. I found an old ornament of a clock that Mother had given to Lindsay as a kid. Paul Allen took his collection with him when he moved into his house, but Lindsay's is still in her closet. I dug it out and took it to him and we hung it on his tree. He is quite taken with it.

It's funny what kids notice or not notice for that matter.

We went out to the beach to watch the Saturn and Jupiter conjunction. I thought that was extremely cool. Jeff was not so impressed until I shamed him later with a quote from Louie Giglio who saw it more as I did.

"We could see something from the top floor of our house that no human has seen since March 4, 1226. Stunning. Awe inspiring." ---Louie Giglio.

I agree with his summation.

Sometimes it really is just a matter of perspective. Jeff was unimpressed with Old Faithful as well when we saw it years ago. He thought it would be much more powerful. I explained to him it is not famous for being powerful but being faithful. He complains that too much is made of things and it dulls the imagery when you see it in person. 

That my friends is why sometimes you need to tune out the world.


We made the best of Christmas just like everyone else and I am grateful for Zoom.

Not sure what was on TV, but I can tell you it had to do with sports.

The weather has been quite cold and gave us two nights of freezing weather. The lemon tree got its heat lights and seems to be good to go. I do hope that it is for winter for us.
The bayou got some ice on it this morning. Hard to tell but it had sheets of ice on it. It gets still at night and then freezing for most of the night gave it ice. 

I haven't shared a picture of Miss Lemony in quite a while mainly because Miss Congeniality hates to be photographed. I think she fears the camera. She will be 12 next month and that is old for a big dog like her. She has slowed considerably and hates the cold as much as me. She is one special lady.

She has ended up loving the bed that she didn't want. She is in this position a lot.

We are heading to Auburn for the coming week to just relax. If I stay home I am going to be in that January clean and purge mood and not paying attention to Jeff, so we will go and relax and all of that will be here in January.

Speaking of January.
I am going to be blog breaking for the entire month of January. I need a new perspective on things. A renewal of sorts. I plan to tune out a lot in January. Take long walks and stare at the camellias in bloom on my street. I plan to tackle some cleaning and sorting and all the January stuff. I plan to visit with Mom and dote on her.

We watched the Netflix show called "Social Dilemma" a while back. I was struck by how the creators and employees of all these social medias don't even use them for themselves. They realize the downside to them. I am not addicted as I often go periods of time away from them, but I say that to make you the bloggers that I love to read know that if I don't comment for a day or so DO NOT feel like I don't like your blog, but I just need to step back and tune out so much incoming material.
I was a little shocked at the statistics of how people felt when a post on Instagram was not liked. Wow! I don't want you to feel unloved.

January will be a time of stepping back so I can really focus on what needs to be focused on. I will visit but just not every day. I will catch up when I do get on.

Take care everyone and hopefully 2021 will be a good one for you.
See you in February.

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