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Two Face The World

Richard and Maria's wedding is dreamily romantic, but both of them are still haunted by past rejections. Sinister letters and unwanted gifts arrive, and the more each tries to protect the other by keeping them secret, the heavier the burden of guilt and anxiety. However, when vicious attacks on lives and property begin, Richard and Maria are determined to uncover the identity of their enemy, but they have no idea who might have a motive. Will their love hold fast or the old saying “marry in haste, repent at leisure” prove true?

Two Face The World (Romance)
By Sarah Stuart
Independent Publishing Platform
299 Pages
Price $2.99 (Kindle)
Rating 5-Stars

“A Romantic Romp”

In this sequel to Three Against The World, our main characters are back, Richard and Maria are newly weds facing the problems every young married couple usually have, but with a few more problems added. Shakespeare would have a field day with this couple.

Two Face The World is the perfect title for this romantic romp, and the author is in good form as she spins their yarn once more to the delight of her many fans. The twist and turns keep the readers turning the pages to see what happens next. Will their love conquer all obstacles, or will they fall into defeat as many marriages do? To find out you have to read this wonderful new entry in the series by this wonderful author. Highly recommended.

Ginger Johnson


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