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Monthly Goals Update and This Week's Goals

Sorry this is so late.  Sunday I ended up having my daughter help clean the house all day (read:  Fought with daughter to get her to do her fair share all day) and yesterday we had my son's second allergy shot to get through in the morning (which went great) and then when I got home I ran into a problem.  I spent a good portion of the weekend washing my son's bedding, per usual, but when I walked into his room it smelled yesterday and it smelled bad.  Which meant that it was time to rip his race car bed apart, again, and deep clean the milk out of the nooks and crannies.  Until I can convince my husband to get my son a normal twin sized bed frame and a box spring (counter argument is my son loves his race car bed, which he does, but darn it it makes a lot more work for me) I'm sort of stuck with an arrangement that  just catches every little bit of liquid and puts it into locations within the bed and leads to problems and I have to figure out where in the frame the problems are every couple of months.  Not fun.

Since I wanted to make sure I could go over the entire thing with bleach water and it had time to dry out completely, I ran downstairs and dragged the old full sized mattress out of the den (yes, after all of these months it's still there...don't ask) and moved it into my son's room to put his current mattress on top of until I'm done cleaning his bed frame.  Which had me ranting more than  a few times about the lack of handles on mattresses as I drug it up the stairs.  Seriously those things are a pain to move bulk-wise.  After I was done rearranging everything, vacuuming the carpet about five times to make sure everything was nice and clean and then making dinner my arm was shot for the night, so I decided to put off blogging until today.  And here we are!  Don't worry.  I can still move my arm, although it is telling me it's there once in a while.

I ended up having to reschedule my physical due to a sick kiddo and lack of funds (our insurance doesn't cover labs and I know I'm going to need those after all this time and I'm still going to owe them the co-pay for my doctor's visit last week).   Hopefully by the middle of October, when I rescheduled it for, things will be improving money-wise and I can afford to go and get the physical done.  Frustrating, but that's life.  Right now I'll be happy if I can make my mortgage payment on time.  Darned medical things really threw the finances into a tizzy this month.

The cider didn't get canned this week, the hallway closet got looked at a lot by me and then I'd close it and think, "Man, I'll get to that later" and that's about as far as I got.  The Halloween decorations are being held captive until my daughter starts doing what she is supposed to do instead of ignoring me and doing whatever the Heck she wants and just figuring she'll skate through the consequences (she does not realize that she will NOT win this war), so that didn't get done either.  Well, at least the oil got changed on the car.  Bright side of a very long, very exhausting...did I mention long...week.

So, what did I actually do this week?  Well, I went to the used stores a lot trying to find furniture as my loveseat and couch are now shredding anywhere there isn't a patch on them, and in the case of the loveseat it is actually shredding under the patches too, so the patches are popping seams it's getting so bad.  I could never find anything close to my budget that the furniture was worth getting (read free or as close to as possible), so this week and probably part of next month are going to see me trying to figure out what to do with my old and falling apart furniture to make them last longer without looking completely awful.  It's going to be challenging for sure, but realistically that's the only option I can really see working at this point.  We just plain don't have the money to throw at furniture right now and throwing blankets or something over the furniture lasts for four minutes until my son sees the blanket and then said blanket gets dragged off to his room and that's the end of that. 

I did get one Christmas gift done this week (seen up top.  I'll give a break down on the gift in the next post) and got my pantry reorganized and most of the food from the den put away in it so it is a lot easier to find things.  I got part of my laundry room organized and am working on finding room in it to help clean out the hallway closet upstairs (it's like organizational dominoes when you have to find room, I swear) and other side projects as I ran into them, but yeah...most of last week's list didn't get done.

So, onto this week's goals!

Cleaning Goals:

  • Clean son's race car bed from top to bottom.  Try to find a way to boost up his mattress about two inches in the frame so he doesn't have to worry about pushing himself over the top of the bed frame to get out of bed (it annoys me and him).
  • Shampoo the carpet under where the race car bed goes (it needs it again)
  • Clean out one half of daughter's closet and move dresser into closet to afford her more floor space (we're ripping the TV out of her room as she just gets too distracted by it to do things, so I don't need to have the dresser taking up a whole corner of her room).
  • Reorganize hallway closet.  Try and find some scrap wood to use as shelf bracers on one side of shelves (they collapse if not completely balanced due to a lack of bracers on one side) and get shelves organized better.
  • Set up small bookcase outside of bathroom to use for towels and washcloths (need the hallway closet cleaned out and reorganized before I can do that bit).

Canning Goals:

  • IF up to it mull and can apple cider (I'm coming down with a cold on top of everything *sigh*)

General Goals:

  • Put up fall decorations if daughter stops acting up.
  • Get through son's second allergy appointment (done!)
  • Get quotes for winter tires for car
  • Use heating pad on arm three times a day (it really helps when I do that) and continue to stretch the arm and work it.
  • Cut son's hair with husband's help (basically we hold him down and sheer him with some hair clippers.  It's not fun, but he is starting to look like a lost Cassidy brother, so it's time).

And there you are folks.  My goals this week, lofty though they are.  How about you?  Got anything planned?

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