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Country Living

A cup of coffee with my rescue dog Dillon
is a great start to my day when in New Hampshire.
No makeup, still in my pjs with a sweater as it was early!

I love the landscape here and want to share it with you!
Black Raspberries ripening on the vine in the front yard
A transplanted daylilly from Boston finds a home here
A country bouquet for the kitchen table.
Nothing fancy, just whatever I could pick.

Wild daisies abound throughout the yard
We pick blueberries from our patch all summer
We have 90 blueberry bushes and this year they are loaded!
You can see our patch on the back left corner.
And the lake is off in the distance.
A wild pale pink rose grows along the front near the street
A line of blue spruce trees grow a little larger year by year.
There are old stone walls that ring the property.
It used to be a farm.
There is a peace and serenity to this place. 
 A new rose for our deck planter is called Lady X.
A hybrid tea rose in a lovely lavendar pink.

I love New Hampshire in the summer.

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