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What Makes a Great Model Portfolio? Interview with Rory Lewis Fashion Photographer.

Your model portfolio is many times the first contact a potential client or agency has with you. This means that your portfolio images are extremely important to your modeling career. If you look at portfolios those models who don’t have a professional portfolio find it hard to get work. It’s a simple fact that being more relaxed and having fun during a model photo session will produce better images.

There are a few EXTREMELY important concepts to think about:

· Remember that this is truly a “first impression” business. You know the quote – “You only get one chance to make a good first impression.” – There is no business where that is truer than modeling. Every agency or client that you contact – your photos, comp card or modeling portfolio will always go in the door before you.

· Consider this: If McDonald’s were going to launch a new print ad campaign for the Big Mac. . . do you think that they would go to the nearest McDonald’s, order a few Big Mac’s and return to the studio to photograph them? Of course not! They would hire the most creative and skilled food stylists from New York or Los Angeles to build and photograph a Big Mac – the likes of which you nor I will ever have the opportunity to eat – but it sure will make us want to go out and buy one! What is my point?

· Set your standards HIGH! You MUST use a very critical eye when selecting any images to put in your modeling portfolio. Make sure that the pictures that you show have the ability to WOW agencies and potential clients.

· You are only as good as your worst image – and believe me – photographers, agencies and art directors WILL remember the worst image.

· Testing is a huge part of getting started in the world of photography, and is also vital to staying alive creatively along the way. When you’re more established, testing keeps you fresh and relevant to the current world of photography.

Image kindly reproduced courtesy of Rory Lewis Photography.

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