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Day 26 in L.A. (One Down and Many More To Come)

(Day 26 = Friday, October 26, 2010)

As some of you may have already realized, I normally publish these posts the morning after. I'm a day late with this post because of everything that has been going on. First off, my schedule has been changing direction like wild fire. To make a long story short, I'm back to shooting the Doritos commercial tomorrow, which cleared my shoot with the promotional skit today. This was the original plan.

I started shooting the promotional skit on day 21. I met with the cast for the first time on day 18. The project is actually called, "Celebrating Differences" by Rushare Productions. I played a character named Derek who lived a life on the streets. While hanging out with his friends he found himself in a life threatening situation. With nowhere to run, Rushare Ministries was nearby and they safely guided him to a better life in the church.

I really enjoyed myself. This is the first film project I've been involved with and didn't have to write, direct, produce or edit. Or I should say, this is my first film where I was strictly a talent. The experience was refreshing and exhilarating. I honestly didn't know my complete role at first or realize how big it was when I got it.

The acting scenes were not difficult, but there were moments I couldn't hold my smile. There is one scene where me and 2 other guys are on the street playing craps. I rolled the dice thinking I won, but I was actually in the process of getting ripped off. A character played by Arien Rollins, (thanks for leaving the comments -day 25- by the way), and I had this hard core face to face situation. Since I was getting ripped off, it would've make sense to have a serious face, right? After he delivered a few lines he ended by saying, "You're either in or you're out." Almost every time he got to those lines I had to force my smile away. I really have to work on methods of fighting my giggles. Either that or there is something "special" about me trying to play a thuggish role on camera.

I'm looking forward to the day when I have a huge role on the silver screen, but hosting a late night talk show is my heart's desire. I won't spoil the entire project by writing about it in this post, however do look forward to seeing the video it when it's released. I'll be sure to post the video on my blog then.

Since I had that game show audition on day 25, I started thinking about what got me where I am today. I'm not who I am because I was discovered, nor am I a contest winner. I am who I am because I am a visionary and I know how to create with little resources. I've always did my own thing, non-dependent upon anyone. My only problem now is that I've exhausted all of my resources. As a result, strategically I'm hoping I take part in some project that will help me to replenish my resources. Either that or win the lottery.

I'm thinking this way because I've been getting signs from other people that have been throwing hints at what I do best. After the filming a young lady named Kori, who seen a little bit of my work on youtube asked me, "When are you going to start shooting again?" That was a "Wow moment" for me. I haven't even been promoting that aspect of my skills. Since I knew she was talented and hungry for opportunity I asked her, "Why, do you want to work with me?" She said, "sure." As I began to tell her more of my accomplishments, I started to look around and I had some type of epiphany. Without a doubt, I saw at least 7-10 people I could recruit for a project if I tired. (My leadership powers may be resurfacing again, who knows?).  

People in L.A. are hungry for opportunity and I honestly think it would be easier to build a strong production team here, than it was in Tampa. I've had a track record of experiences since I've been here that have been leading me in that direction. I left this out on day 10, but Moon even told me how hard it is for black actors these days and in many cases, we are better off doing our own thing. I didn't come to L.A with that mind set, but the signs have been pointing in that direction. (Wait until you read day 27).

The night ended with interesting improvisational conversation, a few pictures and an unexpected surprise. Let's just say I experienced one of the best hand shake experiences possible.  

Kem Anyanwu, Motown Maurice, Alexander & Seda

Kori, Motown Maurice, Alexander, Seda & Irwin Moon Miller
So I'm officially an L.A. actor now. I completed my first film project in L.A. and I believe it was a success. There were many trails, but everyone one was dedicated and driven to make it happen. On the way home, Alexander showed me a picture of a car completely flipped over on his phone. I thought it was a random car he was making a joke about, but it was his car. Early this morning as he was driving up a steep road, his tire slipped on some oil and his car flipped over. This car was literally upside down. Kori and I were thankful the brother was still alive. Thank God he wasn't hurt, but his car is totaled. Besides that, he still made it for the filming on the same day.

I'm not even sure if I would have showed up and if I did, you would have seen every last detail of the accident in my facial expressions. The whole shoot went by and this guy was upbeat with high energy. After he showed me the pictures he said, "I guess I'm going to have to get a bike to get to work for a while." I was in disbelief of how positive Alexander was. In addition to that, acting isn't even his focus. He participated as a favor and to be a part of the experience. If that's not a prime example of motivation and character, then I don't know what is. Alexander, "big ups" to you! Keep trucking and inspiring others. Thank you to everyone for being a part of my quest.

Next Related: 
And the Academy Award goes to...Motown Maurice

As the quest continues...

Motown Maurice

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